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1 Samuel 8:1-22 - Give Us A King

Selected Scriptures - Being Faithful in 2025

Luke 2:1-20 - Do You Hear What I Hear

Selected Scriptures - The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Selected Scriptures - Are You Ready for Christmas

James 1:1-12 - Trials, Difficulties, and Hardships

2 Timothy 2:1-10 - The Blessings of Suffering

Nehemiah 1:1-7 - The Great Condition and Commission

Matthew 9:9-13 - The Connection Crisis

Hebrews 12:14-29 - The Better Deal

Luke 24:1-12 - The Resurrected Savior

Luke 23:26-56 - The Death of the Savior

Luke 19:28-44 - The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

Selected Scriptures - Our Great Shepherd

Luke 2:1-7 - The Promised Messiah

Psalm 25:1-22 - Trusting Your Tour Guide

1 Thessalonians 2:7-12 - God's High Calling for Fathers

Various - Being a Pioneer of Ministry

1 Samuel 1:1-2:36 - God's High Calling for Mothers

John 20:1-31 - Resurrection Through the Eyes of John

Genesis 2:18-25 - The Image of God Reflected in Marriage

2 Chronicles 15:1-12 - A Fresh Commitment

Isaiah 9:6 - Gods Gift to the World

Luke 1:26-2:12 - Small Beginnings

John 11:45-12:11 - Two Gatherings

John 2:1-11 - Jesus Manifesting His Glory

Various - Hope in a Troubled World

Mark 16:1-14 - He is Risen

Matthew 27 & Luke 23 - Why Call It Good Friday

Matthew 21:1-11 - Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem