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Showing records 601 through 630.
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Showing records 601 through 630.
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Leviticus 9:1-10:20 - The Inauguration of the Priesthood

Acts 17:24-34 - Message to Mars - Part 2

Leviticus 8:1-36 - The Consecration of the Priesthood

Acts 17:16-34 - Message to Mars - Part 1

Leviticus 4:1-7:38 - The Savior in the Sacrifices - Part 3

Acts 17:1-15 - Wanted A Few Troublemakers

Leviticus 2:1-3:17 - The Savior in the Sacrifices - Part 2

Acts 16:14-40 - The Gentile the Woman and the Slave

Leviticus 1:1-17 - The Savior in the Sacrifices - Part 1

II Samuel 7 - When God Says No

Acts 15:36-16:13 - Finding the Will of God

Exodus 34:10-40:38 - God Renews His Covenant

Acts 15:1-35 - Saved by Grace or by Law

Exodus 33:1-34:9 - Going with the Presence of God

Acts 14:1-28 - Courageous Christianity

Exodus 32:1-35 - The Golden Calf

Acts 13:44-52 - Responding to the Gospel

Exodus 30:1-31:18 - Instructions for Temple Services

Acts 13:17-43 - Paul's Powerful Preaching

Exodus 29:1-46 - Consecration of the Priesthood

Acts 13:13-16 - Called to Preach the Gospel

Exodus 28:1-43 - The Priestly Garments

Acts 13:1-12 - The God Behind the Scene

Exodus 26:1-27:21 - Preparation for Building the Tabernacle

Acts 11:27-12:25 - The Folly of Fighting God

Exodus 24:1-25:40 - Preparation for the Building of the Tabernacle

Acts 11:1-26 - Becoming a Barnabas

Exodus 20:18-23:33 - Giving of the Judicial Law

Acts 10:34-48 - The Gospel Goes to the Gentiles

Exodus 20:8-17 - Giving of the Law II